Insuring independent coffee shops has become a niche for us here at Steffey Insurance, and my personal favorite type of business to work with….

I’ve long been a fan of coffee shops.  Particularly, independent, owner-operated establishments that provide that neighborhood feel to their customers.  The days of Starbucks being the only “go-to” coffee shop in the area are beginning to fade, and as people continue to show more support for local business, independent coffee shops continue to pop up throughout the nation.  Granted, Starbucks will always have a presence and following in every major city, just as Budweiser and McDonald’s will.  But just as Budweiser has lost market share to craft beer brewers throughout the country, Starbucks is preparing to do the same.  This is a very exciting time for the coffee industry, and as we start to see more specialty coffee shops form, we realize at Steffey Insurance Agency that there will be much more insurable interest within this niche market in the near future.

Why Us?

What we provide to coffee shop owners is more knowledge of the industry than they will find with other insurance agents, not only locally, but nationally as well.  This knowledge helps us know EXACTLY what coverage you need and how best to insure your business.  We started this journey by simply being coffee enthusiasts.  Our staff members have always been coffee lovers, particularly myself.  I took this one step further by deciding to make the industry my niche market.  I first joined the Indy Coffee Association here in Indianapolis, Indiana.  This put me in touch with about 50 business owners within the coffee industry.  I received a great deal of knowledge from all of these helpful people.  I learned about the coffee process from the raw product all the way to the consumers cup.  I understand the process for importers, brokers, roasters, and shop owners.  This has helped me not only learn about how to insure the industry and the risks that come with it, but also how to communicate with people in the coffee industry and understand what they’re going through as business owners.  I honestly believe that I have spent more time learning about the coffee industry and how to insure coffee shops than any other insurance agent in the country.  The coffee shop has often been neglected by insurance agents.  It has been grouped in with the deli, diner, and restaurant category, which in my opinion neglects some of the serious risks and insurance needs specific to coffee shops.

Closing Argument

As you may understand, we are serious about insuring the coffee industry and take a real interest in insuring coffee shops in particular.  We currently insure many coffee shops in the Indianapolis area and are steadily expanding into the Chicago and Philadelphia metro areas.  All of the companies we represent are licensed to do business in both Pennsylvania and Illinois, so this makes us just as competitive in these areas as in our home state of Indiana.  If you or someone you know would like a quote on your coffee shop business please don’t hesitate to contact us.  We have licensed sales reps that consistently travel throughout the midwest and east coast, making it easy to set up a facet-to-face meeting if necessary.  More often than not, we can easily quote and insure your coffee business by using phone, fax, and email. Advances in technology have made it possible for us to branch out and provide our expertise to business  owners throughout the United States.  So, next time your policy renews, think about calling us.  We can more often than not save you money on your bottom line while delivering you the proper coverage you need for your business. We have a toll free number and people standing by!